Hospimax started business operations in 2005 with core business of Medical devices and Institutional supplies which progressively evolved to become a name to reckon with in the specified segment...
At HOSPIMAX our Philosophy is to work for MAXIMISING LIFE by supporting disease prevention to have a more healthy society but the suffering population is supported by various therapy options for...
In Hospimax Healthcare, our philosophy is to “Maximising Life”. Maximising Life not only by providing the world class products & services to the customer but also by taking few initiatives in betterment of the society...
In our ‘Go Green’ initiative, today our staff is more aware and is self-enthusiast to start environment friendly activities in their daily routine like plantation, using reusable environment friendly things etc...
Come! Work with us towards a better future..
You can reach out to us at : Phone: +91-1147481000 Email: mail@hospimax.com